So it begins…

We’re a week into the new year, and I’ve decided to embark on a new project.  Some years ago, about eight I think, I tried blogging.  I wrote a grand total of three entries before I abandoned the idea – not very impressive.  Looking back, I think the issue was that I really didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted to blog about.  This time, I’m entering into the arena with clearer intentions.

Over the years I’ve found that one of the things that brings me the most peace is walking in nature.  Long walks, hikes, short strolls, a wander to the backyard pond, they all give me the balance I so often find I’m in need of in this crazy life!  Blogging about venturing out into the natural world will give me motivation, and maybe help me to hold onto those peaceful feelings a bit longer, as well as the opportunity to share these experiences with you.

So far this year the outside temperatures have been quite bitter, so my ambling has been on the sparse side.  But I did take a short walk yesterday in a nearby state park.  The sun was nearing the western horizon and the sky was streaked with shades of brilliant pink, offset by deepening blues.  I’m blessed to have the opportunity of caring for raptors (birds of prey) at this park each week.  These birds are permanently disabled and will live out their lives at the park.  I care for them as a volunteer, which I’ve been doing for nearly 14 years.  I think you could confidently say that I love what I do!  Walking in the woods with a hawk or owl sitting on my arm is a privilege that I cherish every week.  Yesterday the owl, a Barred Owl, accompanied me on that short stroll.  Although we weren’t out long, we were treated to the energetic antics and high-pitched calls of a flock of Cedar Waxwings, as well as that beautiful sunset!  Sometimes it only takes a few moments to find wonder and peace in the out-of-doors!

My goal is to post weekly entries, at the least.  I know it will be more difficult during bitter cold winter days, but I’ll give it my best!  Writing about the wonders that are ours to find in nature is something I am so looking forward to.  There are an impressive variety of parks and other green spaces around the Twin Cities and throughout Minnesota, and I hope to explore a good many of them.  Along with my husband, I also travel fairly regularly to the western US, and we walk a good deal when we travel as well.

So…welcome to my blog!  I hope to make this reading experience one that will inspire you to explore nature and become a “forest wanderer” …no matter where you live!