
My walks lately have been close to home, in and around the neighborhood I live in, largely due to weather.  We recently had a significant snowfall… significant for our area, anyway.  Even though the ground was still holding on to snow from earlier storms, the world seemed to be suddenly bright and flawless again.  With expanses of untracked white all around, beautiful and sometimes unusual things just seem to jump out and grab me!  I noticed this feather, caught up in some low branches, from a good ten feet away, waving lightly in the breeze as though it had always been there.

A little further on I found some saplings, heavy with the new snow.  I wrote last time of the wonder I find in snow-laden pines – these saplings brought those memories back, vividly.  Towering evergreens in miniature, and I find them just as beautiful!

One of the posts from my earlier attempt at a blog, years ago, also discussed my love affair with snow.  Following is a portion of that post:

I write today of the snow lying thick and heavy on evergreen branches, glistening like a carpet of diamond chips on the trail before me… the sensation of fine airborne snow-crystals breathed into my lungs and my spirit.  I love snow.  I’ve gloried in the recent snowfall here, but those around me don’t always share my enthusiasm.  I suppose the previous weeks of bitter cold have pushed folks into an early state of cabin fever.  But to me these days of snow and tempered cold are expansive, joyful.  I can’t stand in the woods at this time of the year without wanting to laugh out loud for the sheer exhilaration of it!  Feeling snow falling lightly on my cheek, listening to the soft, slow rush of icy crystals brushing past pine needles.  These times are ethereal and peaceful.  Even the birds in their endless, sometimes vocal quests for food and territory are an integral part of this newly hushed world.  I may be in the minority here, but I’ll say it again… I love snow!