Personally, I am interested in learning about the science of trees as well as the spiritual roles they’ve played in our history up to the present, the health benefits they provide, and…well, there are just so many things to learn! Last month I studied the art of maple syrup making. That included learning about the trees that provide the sap, how to differentiate between those trees, how to tap them safely (meaning how to tap the trees so as not to damage or even kill them), the history of maple syrup, myths and stories, and how to actually cook down the sap to make syrup and sugar. It wasn’t just a simple 5-minute tutorial, but it was fascinating and such fun!
There is a wealth of information out there for us to learn. And as I’ve found over the years, the more I learn the more I realize how little I know! Learning about trees and nature can be a lifelong project, but one that can bring you so much enjoyment and open so many doors you never knew existed. I hope some of these links provide you with a taste of what there is to know about trees, and maybe spur you on to learn more about forests and the natural world. These links are obviously just the tip of the iceberg, and if you have suggestions for good sites I can add to the list, please let me know.
“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.” – Martin Luther
Arbor Day Foundation: The Tree Guide
How Trees Talk to Each Other (TED video)
Tree People: Top 22 Benefits of Trees
Trees for the Future: Earth Day 2018 (April 22nd)
Earthshare: Top 10 Benefits of Trees
Trees Are Good: Benefits of Trees (PDF)
American Forests: People and Trees: An Intimate Connection
National Wildlife Federation: How Trees Make a Difference
Landscape Architects Network: Top 10 Sacred Trees
Discover Life: Tree Identification Guide
Acadian Maple: How to Make Maple Syrup
American Forests: ID the Tree!
Triangle Gardner: Tips to Identifying Conifers in the Landscape
Garden Guides: The differences between Aspen and Birch trees